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7 Symbolic Meanings of Autumn

Thinking about autumn can bring about some pleasant thoughts. And while it is common to think about cozy scarves and delicious pies, the symbolic meanings of autumn are more profound than you think. Ancient cultures, science, and astrology have associated many aspects of this beautiful season to human life. These symbolic associations are powerful reminders that Mother Nature has an incredible influence on our lives.

This year, the autumnal equinox in the Northern Hemisphere takes place on Thursday, Sept. 22, 2016. In New York, it will specifically occur at 10:21 a.m. EDT, according to It is closely followed by the weekend, giving us the perfect chance to take part in autumnal equinox celebrations.

There are so many ways to welcome the new season. I am personally looking forward to diving into my long list of seasonal recipe ideas and fall craft projects. Of course, I will be topping everything off with classic books for fall reading and a cup of hot tea. Talk about a dream come true.

This is just the beginning, though. After researching the symbolic meanings of fall, I feel compelled to make journaling a habit during the new season. I have realized that it is the best time for self-reflection, awareness, and mindfulness. To see what I mean, take some time to learn about these seven symbolic meanings of the autumn equinox.

1. Change

As the Greek philosopher Heraclitus once said, “The only constant is change.” Autumn reminds us that our bodies, minds, and surroundings are always developing. It focuses on the impermanence of life, emphasizing how vital it is to embrace the present. By doing so, we can savor what we have before it is gone.

2. Mystery

Thanks to the changing nature of life, each and every day presents us with new mysteries. The crisp fall air and changing leaves personify these unknowns. And once we accept those unknowns, we have more capacity to live life to the fullest. After all, it’s quite comforting to realize that we are all in the same boat facing the same sea of mystery.

3. Preservation

Autumn represents the preservation of life and its basic necessities. During this time, animals prepare for the winter by storing food and creating cozy hibernation spaces. Farmers work on their fall harvest by collecting a reserve of crops. We also tend to retreat indoors and focus on cultivating a safe and comforting home. In a way, the autumn season offers us a chance to reconnect with ourselves as we preserve our safe havens.

4. Protection

As summer morphs into autumn, we exercise self-protection by wearing layers and thicker fabrics. We also tend to focus on our health by boosting our immunity through habits and nutrition. Ultimately, autumn doubles as practice for heightened awareness of your self and surroundings.

5. Comfort

In the same vein as protection, comfort is strongly symbolized by fall. This season is prime time for seeking comfort in the midst of dropping temperatures. Creating a serene and snug space is one of the best perks of autumn, after all. It also gives you a chance to learn about what makes you feel warm and safe.

6. Balance

Day and night are the same length during the autumnal equinox. As a result, ancient cultures have always associated this day with the concept of balance. The sun also enters Libra, which is symbolized by a pair of balanced scales. Autumn grants us a chance to harmonize with the Earth and tap into the balance within us.

7. Letting go

As temperatures drop to the tune of leaves falling, autumn illustrates the beauty of letting go. It doesn’t have to be considered morbid or morose. Instead, we can apply this concept to our inner egos and patterns of greed and pride. The idea of letting go also stresses the temporary nature of everything around us.
Written by: Kirsten Nunez

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