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What to do now that you have your health insurance for 2020!

Now that you’ve purchased a plan, don’t shelf it in the back of your head—know the best ways to use it to it’s fullest. Health insurance can be a daunting task to find and once you’ve done that part, we tend to forget about it until we need an appointment or worse—urgent medical care. Knowing you are covered can give you some peace of mind but staying on top of your benefits will put you a step ahead in saving money while managing your health.

Knowing your health plans details can help you be cost effective while deciding what doctors to see, what offices or hospitals to visit and what procedures or treatments to pursue. Being aware of your cost sharing responsibilities like your deductible, copayments and coinsurance will help you manage your bills and make healthcare decisions. You may also discover resources in your plan that you didn’t know were there. Did you know that many plans offer perks like health and wellness programs, health resources and even discounts on third party services? The better you know your plan, the more you can use all its resources to keep your health up and your pockets full.

How to get the most out of your plan

Getting familiar with your plan will take some research on your part. This could be as easy as logging into your health plan’s carrier web site. Most healthcare companies use online portals to give their customers access to their plan.  These are typically username and password protected, giving you secure access into a personized view of your benefits and the ability to manage your plan.

Manage your health plan

With most carriers, you will be able to see in detail what your plan entails and how you’ve used your plan. This gives you line of site on your healthcare activity. See what claims have been submitted, what prescriptions or medicine you have been prescribed, what doctors you’ve seen and find doctors in or out of network for primary care, urgent care and specialists. Here are a few of the resources you may find on your member portal:

  • Detailed information on your coverage and benefits
  • Find doctors and services in or out of network
  • Manage your claims
  • Manage your prescriptions
  • See any health resources and perks offered

With technology comes better accessibility. Being able to access your personalized healthcare plan on your phone or computer allows you to manage your plan and health needs in an effective way. Use this tool as a resource for your healthcare decisions. See how you can

Review your plan’s summary of benefits

Know the details inside your plan. What is covered? Preventative care, maternity & family planning, surgeries, and diagnostic testing will have specific coverage benefit levels. See what services are covered in-network.

In-Network could be a cost-saver

Typically, in-network providers have costs that are lower than out of network. By checking on your portal, you can see lists of providers that are in network. Oftentimes, an interactive doctor and provider finder will be available as well.

Utilize your preventative care benefits

Many plans cover preventative care at 100%. At the start of each year, make sure to find what is covered under preventative care in your summary of benefits and make appointments for that care.

Take advantage of discounts available to you through your plan

Many plans and carriers offer perks with that plan. Extras can include discounts on acupuncture, gym memberships, message work or even weight-loss programs. Take a close look online at your carrier’s website or your plan login and see what they may offer.

Keep tabs on your deductible as you pay for medical services throughout the year

In most plans, once you’ve maxed your deductible, any healthcare used after you’ll pay significantly less out of pocket. Knowing where you are at on your deductible will help you plan out appointments or services, getting as much as you can in before your deductible resets each year.

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